Together For Change

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Sometimes WE can make a change…

I have recently attended a few “final walk outs” for the retirement of Police Officers. I attend the ones we are personally closer with. This is considered to be their final walk down the ramp, leaving the Department as a Police Officer for the last time. I attended my first one at a neighboring Department for our close friend who retired as a Sergeant, Canine Instructor. It was such a great experience and such a nice send off for him and his canine partner, with his family standing at the end of the ramp. Everyone clapped, shook hands and of course congratulated him after giving 30 years of his life to his Department, and most importantly in the Canine Unit. You could also hear the radio transmission from the other Police Officers who were working the road and could not be there wishing him luck and congratulating him. In my opinion, it is a small amount of the recognition they truly deserve and I was happy to be a part of it.

Within a week of attending this send off, another one of our friends was working his last day. I texted his wife that morning asking what time his “final walk out” was. To which she replied, “Oh, our Department doesn’t do those, he actually tried to set something up years ago, but he got shut down.”  After talking with her I said well there is no reason why you cannot get your family there, close friends, and anyone else who would like to be there for his final walk down the ramp. She set the time, invited everyone, and the Department heads were made aware and told they were more than welcome to attend. It was so nice to see everyone come together for him, and again be a part of a wonderful - all of ten minute - event for someone who has given themselves and risked their lives for many years. 

A week later our Department had a Canine who was retiring, and my husband contacted the handler’s wife and asked if she would like to invite her family and friends for their Canine’s final walk out. Again, something small and lasted all of ten minutes. But you could tell it meant the world to them, especially since this would be the family’s last Canine. 

I think sometimes we are just so used to standing behind our Police Officers and too often being silenced and knowing in our heart something is not being handled properly. In a situation like this, we were not breaking any policies, but simply providing a proper send off to deserving men, women, and canine partners.

l Kristen l