Every month we select one wives group who is the recipient of twenty-five (25) $5 coffee cards.
This allows the wife/wives to connect with officers in their area and bring awareness to your wives group as they are passed out to officers on duty. This is a great way to spread a little love while connecting with officers in your community. It also is a great way to build up your followers and supporters on social media.

Have you thought of starting a wives group but feel overwhelmed or intimidated when you think of creating it and getting it all set up? Don't sweat it! We're here to support and guide you through the process!

Send us a message letting us know you'd like to establish a group and we'll be happy to create a secret Facebook group, public page and group logo for your group to help get you get started...all for FREE...with NO STRINGS ATTACHED!  


We want to support and encourage YOU! We also want to give YOU a VOICE and a PLATFORM to share what you are doing in your community with other wives across America. We firmly believe that many wives would love to get out and support their spouses and their departments if they had an idea of where they might start.

Many wives have very different ways of how they show their support and appreciation in different times and circumstances. Many just need a little idea, some inspiration and a little guidance to activate their creativity.

If you have pictures of things you’ve done to show your support for the officers of your department or their families, please send them to us!! We love to share everyone's ideas and see how it inspires others.  You can email pictures to us, or send them to us through social media and we will share them from our account!

Each week we will select and highlight one photo from our contributors to share on our website. Once a month, we will also choose one LEO-related blog entry that’s been submitted to us. Together we can and will inspire others to join this worthy effort of supporting the “Thin BLUE Line” all across our great country!


This is just to give everyone an idea of what a wives group looks like. We hope it will help give you an idea of things your group could do and what it could look like.

All the abbreviated acronyms are our departments area commands/stations. All of our Facebook groups are hidden/secret and can't be found in any searches for the protection of the members of the group.

Ideally, each station breakdown would be headed by a wife who has a team of wives who's husbands work at those station  as naturally wives like to do things for their husbands station.

lvmpo wives flow chart image.jpg