Erica is a loving wife, mother of two and a amazing RN, who was recently diagnosed Glioblastoma brain cancer. Her husband, Pete, is a police officer and puts his life on the line for all of us. He will now be helping his wife fight for her life while taking care of their children Brooklyn age 6 and Pierce age 4.
The Knaack
Sergeant Justin Ranauro, a 10 year veteran of the of the Exeter New Hampshire Police Department, and his two children, Nicholas, 6 and Sadie, 2, are dealing with the sudden and tragic loss of their wife and mother Amanda.
The Ranauro
Adopt An
Arizona First Responder
The Arizona based small business Pita & Co. is known for its healthy fresh Mediterranean food options. They are paying it forward by starting a “adopt a doctor, nurse, and first responder” program while also working to keep their small business open during this tough time in the world.
Here’s how it works:
Make a donation (as little as $1 can help)
When checking out or within the Venmo payment, they welcome suggestions for stations and hospitals to deliver meals to
At the end of the week, all of the donations are tallied up
Meals are provided using the funds that had been donated that week
meals are only delivered within the Phoenix Valley (Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Mesa, Chandler, and Gilbert)
Be sure to follow them on social media @AZPITACO to see where they drop off meals to next.
Sandra is the wife of Tracy California Police Officer David Ventling. In End-Stage Kidney/Renal Disease Sandra’s kidneys are no longer able to work as they should to meet her body's needs. Sandra was a public servant as a social worker for 17 years before the disease and its treatments made it impossible to continue to work.
Her condition is grave, without a new kidney, she WILL DIE. Her blood type is O+, which means only an O type blood can do a direct donation to her. However, even if you are not blood type O you can still donate via the donor exchange program and in-turn you could save numerous lives.
Fill out the application with her information provided (Sandra C Ventling, date of birth is 9/18/1971).
Alexis is the daughter of Sergeant Michael Whitley of Paulding County. The Whitley family is facing extensive medical expenses as their daughter suffered many severe injuries in a vehicle accident.
Jeff is a retired LEO, he and his wife Jeannie have done a giveaway for us in the past and are the sweetest people. He is undergoing treatment for a recent Stage 4 Colon Cancer diagnosis.