Pray For Our Officers

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To the silent police wife, I hear you. I hear your cries because I cry them too. No one understands the fear & emotions that come along with being married to an officer until you live it.

Recently, an officer in my husband’s department was shot in the head by a rioter. My husband had just texted me about 10 mins before I found out. He was down there within the mess of the riot, in the same general location of the incident. My phone was blowing up with texts and calls from other police wives checking to see if I had heard from him. One by one, their husbands had checked in... but mind hadn’t. A close friend of mine & fellow LEO wife drove to my house to sit with me. Panic set it wondering if my husband was hurt. Cries to God were screamed through my house begging him to protect my husband and bring him home to me. Then, 47 mins later, my husband texted me “code 4”. The best phrase any police wife could ever read in a time of panic.

My heart ached. Ached for my husband and what he was going through. Ached for the officer who was fighting for his life. And ached for the hate in our world.

The actions that lead to these riots were not justified. They were NOT right. They were MURDER. No one is denying that.

But, an eye for an eye mentality is not going to solve anything. Police officers are good. I truly believe that. But, just like any profession, there are bad ones in the mix.. Bad doctors, bad nurses, bad teachers and the list goes on. But you NEVER hear the news of a bad teacher molesting or raping a student with the nation going wild. No one thinks that all teachers are bad. They focus on that one sicko and move on. No one is chanting “kill teachers” in the streets or committing violent acts against them.

So, I ask...why is it okay to generalize one profession, but not another? Why is it okay to hate all cops, but not hate all teachers when 1 person within their profession messes up?!

It’s not okay. Plain & is not okay. Generally, cops are good. They are selfless warriors that face everyone’s worst fears head on bravely, courageously and with love. Because MOST cops love their communities. MOST cops became officers to protect the cities they love and raise families in. ALL cops want to go home at the end of their shifts to their wives & kids.

So stop the violence. Stop the hate. Do it for our GOOD officers that literally put their lives on the line each shift for every individual (regardless of race, religion or political views) within their communities. Do it for them.

Pray for Officer Shay. Pray for our nation. Pray for our officers.