Refuse To Sink

After yet another night of protests, I woke to the sound of the garage door creaking open followed by that of velcro coming apart as the vest was finally coming off after 18+ hrs in a 90-degree day. I peeled myself from my bed at 3:30 am to go greet my officer. He was soaking wet (rain, sweat, mix?) tired, defeated, hungry, I am sure a million other things as he unlaced his boots and put them on the dryer for the next day that was surely going to be more of the same.

He went to take a shower. I made him a sandwich, set it on his nightstand before I moved our babies monitors and my stuff out of our room into the living area so I could go back to sleep and he could get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep before he did it all over again the next day.  

This has been a “new normal” that I despise. It’s not fair that my favorite person, who has the most integrity of anyone I know has to deal with terrible things being screamed in his face all day. Standing in his uniform that he so proudly wears. That badge gets heavier with every passing day. That anxious feeling I used to feel in the beginning of our relationship slowly gnawing its way back into my thoughts, ruining my mood and most days.

Being a LEOW is HARD. We are left to pick up the pieces of our officer that is left after each shift, try to put them back together, remind them that they are loved. Those comments they just heard for 12+ hours are not true. They are doing the right thing. Those words though, weigh on them. The communities our spouses have sworn to protect are not standing behind them. They are questioning themselves with every action. I can’t imagine how exhausted my husband really is. He puts on a great show.

We LEOWs are tired too. We’re tired because we’re waking up at all hours for a quick kiss and to put eyeballs on our spouses and make sure they really are ok. Our days are filled with news checks, solo parenting, keeping up with our own careers, our house (this reminds me I have about 5 loads of laundry that need folding and put away, I don’t remember the last time my floors were mopped, toilets scrubbed, the list keeps going unfortunately-ha!). It’s a good thing my kids love mac and cheese and chicken nuggets because that is about all the energy I’ve had for the last few weeks.

I am there for my husband at the drop of a hat. Always. No questions asked. I love him, his team, his other coworkers. I would do anything for any of them. I am NOT complaining. This life is not easy, but I love it.

But.. who is there for us? I have friends who are fellow LEOWs, yes. But they are just as exhausted, I can’t let my terrible thoughts/moods weigh them down even further. My friends who aren’t LEOWs really don’t understand, and I honestly don’t have many non-LEOW friends anymore. 

Then other day I logged into one of the many Facebook groups that are out there for LEOWs, I saw the acronym RELAX.

R: Recognize when you are consumed with worry. (Take a deep breath and focus on something positive.)

E: Eliminate toxic thoughts, which contribute to your negative emotions. (Turn off social media, the news, etc. Take a bath, play with your kids, your animals, light a candle and read, meditate, exercise, whatever it is that can give you endorphins.)

L: Let go of the anxious mindset that seeks reassurance that everything will turn out ok. Failure is a part of life, and life does not always go as planned (we know that one don’t we? Our lives rarely go as planned. That dinner date that we had looked forward to and now our LEO is stuck at work… go anyway! Invite a girlfriend, take a kid for a one-on-one date, heck-go alone! Don’t let life stop because our plans change.) 

A: Attitude is key to problem-solving. Adopting a flexible, open-minded attitude reduces feelings of insecurity and fear, and the habit of rumination. An added benefit of a positive outlook is less reliance on others for approval and validation. (Staying positive right now is hard, believe me, I understand! But what doesn’t help, is keeping that same negative mindset. Looking to others and how they are coping. Maybe on social media your friend who is in the same situation looks like she’s just fine and she’s completely unaffected when in reality she is just using social media as her outlet. FIND YOUR OUTLET.)

X: X-tra sleep. Making sleep a priority is a must for mental health and physical and emotional wellness. (Sleep is a hard one, I know. Kids, pets, anxiety, the mental load, it all takes a toll on our ability to get a good restful sleep. Start a bedtime routine, put on some lavender lotion, and go lay down. Ignore your house that may be in shambles [it’ll still be there tomorrow, unfortunately, lol]. Your sleep is just as important as breathing clean air, drinking water, and exercising.)

 After reading through that, I instantly began to do a self-evaluation and realized I was spinning in my own mind. I was stuck. I needed to see that post/acronym to get out. If you are feeling this way, I encourage you to use RELAX to assess your own situation. Also, if you are feeling like a leech and don’t want to suck anything out of our local friends- You have an entire COUNTRY of LEOWs that are here for you. Drop a DM to the group and just ask. There is always someone willing to talk and be there for a fellow LEOW. We are here for you. I am here for you. Get through one day at a time, sometimes one hour at a time. Focus on the good out there, we will only get through this life together.


l Danielle l