Get Vulnerable

Unity Is Impossible.jpg

Can I challenge us all, myself included? 

Every disagreeing comment & argument that our Facebook friends bring against the police community is very hurtful. We are tempted to hash out our disagreements with people in the comments section and then even delete these people when they continue to argue with us. But come on, what do you really expect? If our motivation is to give them our perspective and for them to receive and consider our perspective, then having it out, in your post’s comments section is not the way to go. It is just pushing the both of you further apart. 

So here is my challenge because I think the setup of Facebook is even more toxic to the world in this time of conflict. If you feel attacked by someone don’t lower yourself to their level.  If you feel triggered to respond, and the need to stand for your beliefs and say something. Then...... see this as a chance to bring harmony.


Send them a private message and say to them how their comment isn’t just an argument against your beliefs, it is an argument against your identity and is hurtful to you and ask them what experiences has personally shaped their views on this because you can not understand their stance. Especially, when these are people who are in your life as family and friends. If you get personal with them it will bring their guard down for authentic conversations and can even bring about more kinship to each other even though you disagree. My pastor said Sunday, “Unity is impossible, if ideology leads the way.” And so I take that to heart.  Others can choose to bring more disunity and disconnection to the world but I will not. I will move in kindness to people and be vulnerable and be loving in the face of a world that only wants to accept and unify with those that share their same ideas. 

We need to get past the “how can everyone be so easily turned against us” mindset and we need to start doing our part to bridge the divide. We are the ones who are most effected by all the hate, so make it your mission to be loving, kind, and vulnerable, if you truly want to make a difference in these hard times. This comes from someone who keeps a small friend list but I try not to delete people who have differing views, the snooze button is really wonderful though once I’m feeling continually triggered by someone. 

The entire chapter of Romans 12 really blessed me on this topic. Here is a few favorites...

Romans 12:12-17

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all.

Don’t forget that our actions can be a part of the solution.

| Heather |