Found My Tribe

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Have you ever felt like you’ve been wondering around aimlessly? Or you bought something and fell in love with it so much you couldn’t figure out how in the world you ever survived before it? That’s how I felt a couple Friday nights ago when I video chatted for the first time with some fellow LEOWs. 

Making friends has never been easy for me. I’m awkward and quiet when I’m around women I’ve never met. Conversations happen around me and I feel like I have nothing in common with them even when I have everything in common with them. This is a terrible feeling. It’s like being in a room full of people and feeling lonely at the same time.

But not that Friday night, it was fun, it was lighthearted, it was what I needed. We talked liked we’ve known each other our whole lives. The best part was I had joined the group these ladies are apart of earlier that week. They asked me questions about myself and my family, my kids and my background. They briefly met my hubby when he walked in to kitchen. The one thing that stood out to me the two plus hours we were on the phone was they said several times “girl where you been this whole time?” It was refreshing. 

It was obvious to me that the admins and moderators of the group have a strong bond. They said a lot of remember when’s, but neither myself or the other new peeps on the call felt left out or experience that awkward “hey we’re still here” phase. As I sat and thought about the call over and over. And talked about the indescribable feeling to my hubby over and over it finally hit me. Kerry-Ann, you may have finally found your tribe. 

Each person’s tribe may look different and that’s okay. Your tribe could be one person or five. Your sister’s tribe could be her mother. Another’s person tribe could be strangers on Facebook. I believe at the end of the day we need a safe place where we as blue line sisters can we decompress, vent, ask questions, share a dream with someone who we have almost everything in common with and who have our six. Someone who understands us or makes and effort to. Someone we feel comfortable being ourselves around.

I’ve heard ladies say I don’t need friends or want friends. I don’t trust women. But what I actually hear is I’ve been hurt and now I don’t know about trusting others. Finding the right tribe fixes that. As a LEOW I believe we need to be each other’s tribe. Our roles as wives alone is a tough one and being strong for LEO is not easy but knowing you have a posse of blue line sisters behind you does quite a bit to your energy level. So let me ask you this, who is apart of your tribe? 

| Kerry-Ann |